Tamasakae is an elegant but challenging strain of sakamai. It’s chiefly grown in Shiga prefecture, which consists mainly of mountains with very little growing plain available. Shiga also has high winds and heavy snowfall, both of which contribute to the challenges of growing this strain. Tamasakae has large grains of rice and the stalks grow to roughly 3 feet in height, both of which make it prone to being blown over by strong winds. While not very much is grown, the rice creates a beautiful sake with a soft, smooth texture and a depth of flavor well suited to drier styles of sake.
All about sake
Welcome To Your Sake Journey!
Lesson 1
What Is Sake?
Lesson 2
What Is Sake Made of and How Is It Made?
Lesson 3
What Is Rice Polishing Ratio?
Lesson 4
Types of Sake
Lesson 5
How To Store Sake
Lesson 6
How To Drink and Serve Sake
Lesson 7
Food Pairing Guide
Lesson 8
Best Sake Bottles and Brands for Beginners