The brewers in Tottori prefecture tend to like their brews big, powerful and full of steamed rice flavor. In 1921, Goriki was hitting fields around the prefecture but was almost immediately dropped due to how challenging it was to grow at the time. This sakamai saw a revival in the mid-to-late ‘80s, and is now a very popular brewing rice in the region for its big umami and earthy flavors.
All about sake
Welcome To Your Sake Journey!
Lesson 1
What Is Sake?
Lesson 2
What Is Sake Made of and How Is It Made?
Lesson 3
What Is Rice Polishing Ratio?
Lesson 4
Types of Sake
Lesson 5
How To Store Sake
Lesson 6
How To Drink and Serve Sake
Lesson 7
Food Pairing Guide
Lesson 8
Best Sake Bottles and Brands for Beginners