
Taste metrics


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How it works

Map your palate

Take our quiz and our sommelier will find the right bottles for you.

Customize your order

Plans start at less than $35 a bottle with your preferred quantity and shipping interval

Taste and rate

The more we know about you, the better our selections will be.

How it works

Map your palate

Take our quiz and our sommelier will find the right bottles for you.

Customize your order

Plans start at less than $35 a bottle with your preferred quantity and shipping interval

Taste and rate

The more we know about you, the better our selections will be.

Your personal sommelier

Sachiko Miyagi

— Portfolio Manager, Tippsy

We curate a sake journey that’s just as unique as you are.

Membership benefits

Discount prices

5% exclusive discounts on 400+ sake

Reduced shipping fees

20% discount on all shipments

Exclusive offers

Access to limited items & special content

Dive into the art of

Japanese craftsmanship

Fun, delicious and culturally enriching

Stories and skills passed down for generations

Endless potential for food pairing with any cuisine

Join the sake community

I’ve already found a few favorites and ordered more of what I like as a result. Everything was well packaged and the tasting notes were excellent. Absolutely cannot go wrong with the subscription box.

— Kristan

Discover new sake in every box

  • Personally curated bottles of sake (3 or 6 bottles) based on quiz
  • New bottles to match your palate based on ratings on every box
  • Tippsy Tribune newsletter for brewer interviews, recipes and more
  • Tippsy Sake Guide & original wooden masu cup in first box