Founded in 1688 in Kashima, Saga prefecture, this brewery can be found in Sakagura Dori, an old-fashioned area known for its breweries, soy sauce and miso companies, and former samurai’s homes. They hold to the philosophy that innovation comes from tradition, so they always strive to keep up with the times while holding true to the tradition of sake brewing. The brewery is known as “Mitsutake Sake School” because so many brewers learn their techniques there before going on to be brewmasters elsewhere. The brewery’s longstanding pursuit of excellence stands as a shining example for all.
All about sake
Welcome To Your Sake Journey!
Lesson 1
What Is Sake?
Lesson 2
What Is Sake Made of and How Is It Made?
Lesson 3
What Is Rice Polishing Ratio?
Lesson 4
Types of Sake
Lesson 5
How To Store Sake
Lesson 6
How To Drink and Serve Sake
Lesson 7
Food Pairing Guide
Lesson 8
Best Sake Bottles and Brands for Beginners