Huchu Homare, established in 1845, is located in the old capitol of Ibaraki, which is known for its soft, iron-free water. Using this water and inspiration from the surrounding region, the brewers at Huchu Homare craft highly acclaimed sake born from Watari Bune rice. This rice is harder to grow but helped the brewery win two gold medals at sake competitions. The sake created at this brewery is an honorable representation of what the region has to offer.
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All about sake
Welcome To Your Sake Journey!
Lesson 1
What Is Sake?
Lesson 2
What Is Sake Made of and How Is It Made?
Lesson 3
What Is Rice Polishing Ratio?
Lesson 4
Types of Sake
Lesson 5
How To Store Sake
Lesson 6
How To Drink and Serve Sake
Lesson 7
Food Pairing Guide
Lesson 8
Best Sake Bottles and Brands for Beginners