Hachinohe Shurui is located in the picturesque town of Gonohe, a lodging town along a historic highway called Oshu Kaido. Their Hachitsuru facility has been brewing Hachitsuru brand sake since 1786, and their facility in Gonohe has been brewing their Jyoku brand sake since five neighboring breweries merged to create Hachinohe Shurui in 1943. They belong to the Nanbu toji guild and make pristine sake using water sourced from their three wells. They mainly use local rice and prefectural yeast, along with yeast from Association No. 10 lineage which is said to originally come from their brewing facilities
All about sake
Welcome To Your Sake Journey!
Lesson 1
What Is Sake?
Lesson 2
What Is Sake Made of and How Is It Made?
Lesson 3
What Is Rice Polishing Ratio?
Lesson 4
Types of Sake
Lesson 5
How To Store Sake
Lesson 6
How To Drink and Serve Sake
Lesson 7
Food Pairing Guide
Lesson 8
Best Sake Bottles and Brands for Beginners